♦  (YOUR COMPANY NAME). will not employ any person below the age of 14 years in any of its departments. No Contract labor under the age of 14 years is allowed to be provided by any of its Contractors.

 (YOUR COMPANY NAME). does not support the use of Child Labor below 14 years of age nor does it allow young workers to be employed in any of its suppliers.

♦  (YOUR COMPANY NAME). will discontinue business relations with such supplier who use Child Labor or continued to do so even after insistence by (YOUR COMPANY NAME). for remediation of child labor.


Documents for Age Verification

    Admin Department ensures that the following documents should be maintained in all the personal files of staff and workers weather directly employed or indirectly.

o Copy of National Identity Card or,
o Birth Registration Certificate or,
o Copy of Education Board / University Certificate containing date of birth or,
o Age Verification & Fitness Certificate in the prescribed form from the company registered Doctor.

Verification of Documents authenticity

    At the time of hiring, for direct employment and contractors for indirect employment Admin Department verifies the photocopies against their original documents. Furthermore, after verification photocopy document is stamped “verified”.

Hiring process for permanent staff

Hiring process for permanent employees (staff and workers) at (YOUR COMPANY NAME)., comprises of the following steps, Submission of signed or thumb marked job application (in English or Bangla)

          Interview by the Head of Admin / Department Head / In-charge / Factory Manager and Managing Director (if required) for suitability of the person in terms of skills, technical expertise and work experience.
          Filling of employee profile.
          Review  of  documents  e.g.  NIC  (original  and  copy),  or  birth  registration  certificate, academic certificates, work experience certificate.
          Issuance of Appointment letter and its acknowledgement.
          Issuance of confirmation letter at the end of probation period.

Hiring process for Contractual worker

    Due to the nature of the business (fluctuating business volumes) and the prevailing economic situation, the workers turn over rate is predominantly high for contractual workers.

    Before hiring the worker, contractors are allowed to induct a potential employee for a trial period but this trial period does not exceed more than 3 days. In such cases the contractor before starting the trial period, submits the potential employee ID card copy to Company. After 03 days Company ensures that if the worker is still on trial to get him/her engaged with the proper documentation as required by documented procedure.

    The hiring process for contractual worker is as follows:

o Interview by the contractor for suitability of the person in terms of skills, technical expertise and work experience.

o Review of documents by the contractor and Company e.g. NIC (original and copy), or birth registration certificate, academic certificates, (Copy and Original) work experience certificate,

o Photograph are taken and attached in the file.

o Issuance of Temporary Appointment letter and its acknowledgement.

o Admin Department prepares the Temporary Appointment letter in duplicate and one copy to the worker while the other copy is maintained in the personal file, after employee acknowledgement signature.

o Admin Department updates the contractual workers file.

Discouragement of Child Labour

    (YOUR COMPANY NAME). discourages child labor at all levels in the society and uses following steps to show its resentment.
o Discontinuation of business, with suppliers, who fail to address child labor.
o Immediate termination of contractor, if found employing child labor.

Discouragement of Pregnancy Test

      (YOUR COMPANY NAME). ensures that no pregnancy test is conducted for ladies at the time of appointment.


Factory Manager & Coordinator responsible for:

    Communicating, deploying and monitoring the above practices of Administration.




Bangladesh Labour Code, 2006


♦  (YOUR COMPANY NAME). pays at least the total minimum compensation required by local laws, including all mandated wages, allowances and benefits to its workers and staff.

♦  (YOUR COMPANY NAME). does not pay less than the minimum wage prescribed by the local law to unskilled workers. To other category of workers, wages paid will be in line with those prevailing in the industry at the time, which also provides some discretionary income.

♦  (YOUR COMPANY NAME). posts legal minimum wage rates, overtime rates, benefit policies, and additional payment information in the native language.

♦  (YOUR COMPANY NAME). ensures that its contractor pays piece-rate workers at a rate at least equivalent to the minimum wages per month.

 If a piece rated worker is earning less than minimum wages in any month, the company pay remaining amount to him on voucher to maintain minimum wages.


    Under  supervision  of  CR,  company’s  Accounts  Department  and  Contractors  ensure  the  compliance against this policy.

    Company makes sure that salaries of employees are not deducted as a matter of punishment imposed from any superior to subordinate.

    Company reviews, if any compliant/objection are logged/raised through Suggestion Memo and discuss the matter with management and resolve it on priority basis.


    Company makes sure that all the salaries of permanent employees are in accordance with the labor law and disbursed through an adequate procedure on given schedule.

o Employees who are paid on monthly or piece rate basis are paid within the seven working days of the next month. Each salary will include earnings for all work performed through the end of the previous payroll period.

o In the event that a regularly scheduled payday falls on a day off such as a weekend or holiday, employees will be paid on the first day of work following the regularly scheduled payday.

o If a regular payday falls during an employee's vacation, the employee may receive his or her earned wages before departing for vacation if a written request is submitted at least one week prior to departing for vacation.

    Salary of the workers includes all allowances and special allowances as admissible under the law.

    If any piece rated worker does not meet the minimum wage, organization pays him as arrears to meet the minimum wage.


    As defined under the local laws (YOUR COMPANY NAME). has insured all its employees against death and injury leading to permanent/partial disability to the maximum legal coverage of Tk. 100,000/-.



A. Overtime is calculated on the basis of “double the basic salary” calculation of over time per hour for the monthly basis worker is
26 (DAYS) X 8 (HOURS)

B.  Overtime calculation of per hour for the piece rate worker is

Total Earning on Piece Rate in Current Month
Total Working Hours (with OT hours)
C. Payment of overtime is made within 7th working days of each month with monthly wages.


    A. Festival Bonus: Company provides two festival bonuses in a year as per the following regulations:
If the service length becomes 10 months or more then 100% basic in each festival.

If the service length becomes 8 months but less then 10 months then 75% basic in each festival.
If the service length becomes 6 months but less then 8 months then 50% basic in each festival.
If the service length becomes 3 months but less then 6 months then 25% basic in each festival.
If the service length is less then 3 months then as per the management approval a lump sum amount provide in the festivals.

    B. Attendance Bonus: If any worker never being absent and late in any month, then he/she will get the attendance bonus.

    Company makes sure that all the permanent employees receive bonuses on time,


    CR, Factory Manager and Head of Admin are responsible for:

o Proper communication of company’s policy on minimum wages, overtime compensation rates, legally mandated benefits and additional payments.
o Organizing meetings and training programs to ensure that the policy is properly communicated and understood, the minutes of the meeting are then recorded and circulated to all the participants as per distribution record list.
o For maintaining the records of 2nd party and 3rd party inspections.